At JustLegal Marketing, we recognize that crafting content for a website design for lawyers demands a profound understanding of the law.
The Art of Conversion: 33 Effective Legal Content Marketing Strategies
In the ever-evolving landscape of legal digital marketing, content is king. Content marketing has become an indispensable part of a successful online legal marketing strategy. However, creating compelling legal content that not only attracts but...
A Guide to the Latest Updates and Trends in Lawyer SEO
Discover the latest updates in lawyer SEO to enhance your online presence. Call us to stay ahead of the curve!
How to Build Trust and Credibility on Lawyer Websites
Learn how to enhance your legal practice’s online presence. Call the experts in building lawyer websites for guidance and support.
Digital Marketing for Law Firms: Best Practices and Strategies
If you're a lawyer ready to expand your reach and unlock new opportunities, consider the immense potential of increasing your online presence. In today's digital age, lawyer websites have become essential tools for attracting clients, establishing...
Law Firm Content Marketing in 2023
Law firm content marketing is one of the most important aspects of a successful online marketing campaign. In 2023, there are still many effective ways to share your law firm's content with potential clients. In this blog post, we will outline some...
How to Get More Clients as a Lawyer Through Digital Marketing?
Client services are a necessary part of today's society. In most industries, people will research before hiring someone, even more so with legal services that can seriously impact their life, work, or reputation. People who seek the assistance of a...
Essential Marketing Strategies for Divorce & Family Lawyers in 2021
In addition to being a legal marketing expert, I have been a divorce lawyer in South Carolina for 29 years. If you are a family lawyer like me, you already understand the complexities of attracting and winning over new clients. Persons seeking a...
Tips For Writing Your Law Firm Advertisements in 2021
Writing your law firm advertisement is a chance to prove that your business deserves whatever amount of airtime, webspace, or newspaper section it has received. Whether you provide audio scripts or materials to be read, advertising your law firm is...
Top Five Content Marketing Best Practices for Law Firms
Lately, law firms have realized the importance of getting their brand established in the digital market. Many attorneys and law firms are making use of lawyers SEO to get their firm ranked on top of SERP. Most of them have also started leveraging...
5 Internet Marketing Mistakes Lawyers Make and How to Avoid Them
When it comes to learning how to market a law firm, it can be very easy to make mistakes. Lawyers know how to write, but marketing can be a minefield of technical jargon and technology. When it comes to marketing, it’s beneficial to have an end...
5 Online Marketing Tips for Law Firms
Like any business, law firms need to utilize successful marketing in order to reach more clients. The leading way that people find lawyers is still mostly through personal relationships rather than the internet--which, according to a recent survey,...
Creating Original Content for Your Law Firm’s Blog
As a digital marketing firm in South Carolina, my company provides content writing and marketing services for many attorneys and law firms. I, personally, have written many thousands of words for my own law firm's website. I understand how...
Why Your Attorney Website Needs Well-Designed Landing Pages
A landing page is a page the site visitor “lands on” after clicking a link having to do with an online call to action. They are often used to collect email addresses from visitors or to get people to hire your firm. For example, if you’re writing a...
The 3 Best Content Marketing Tips for Lawyers
As SEO and online marketing experts for lawyers websites, we emphasize the importance of having quality content on a firm’s website. By now, you’ve probably read or heard that “content is king” when it comes to any law firm’s online marketing...
Defining Your Law Firm’s Target Audience for Online Marketing
SEO this, keyword ranking that, content marketing yada, yada, yada. Sound familiar? These are just some of the buzz words surrounding a law firm's online marketing efforts. While all of these concepts play an important role in your law company,...
Part 1 – Best Website Design Tips for Law Firms – The Technical Stuff
As internet marketing specialists for lawyers, the first thing we focus on is the law firm's website. After all, your lawyer website is the beating heart of all of your online marketing efforts including search engine optimization, local SEO,...
Why Blogging is Crucial to a Lawyer’s Digital Marketing Efforts
As online marketing specialists for attorneys, we can't overemphasize the importance of legal blogging. In fact, of all the strategies available to lawyers to market themselves online, such as search engine marketing, social media marketing, and...
4 Reasons Why Your Law Blog Stinks (And How To Fix It)
As internet marketing specialists for lawyer websites, we can't stress enough about the value of quality content on your website. Some of my law firm's best site traffic and referrals come from posts I authored years ago. In essence, these posts...