Like any business, law firms need to utilize successful marketing in order to reach more clients. The leading way that people find lawyers is still mostly through personal relationships rather than the internet–which, according to a recent survey, 17% of people use to find attorneys. However, as the Internet and social media continue to grow and become more popular among young people, online marketing is also becoming an important aspect of the success rate of many modern law firms. With the following tips, your law firm can be well on its way to receiving more clients in the near future!
1: Create an Effective, Appealing Website and Launch a Mobile Version
Your law firm website is like its office space, only online. It needs to be clean and organized so users can find the information they need quickly and easily. First impressions really are important, and the last thing you want is for potential clients to think that your site is hard to navigate or unprofessional. With eye-catching web design and professionality, your website’s visitors will be less likely to click away to view your competitors.
Most people use their smartphones and other mobile devices to find information about local businesses, especially when they are already on-the-go. In fact, over 50% of global internet search queries currently come from mobile devices. In addition to an appealing desktop website, you will need to have it optimized for mobile devices. It is usually as simple as choosing a mobile theme and layout option when editing your overall website. With a website that can fit multiple formats and platforms, it will be able to gain twice as much traffic.
2: Benefit from a “Frequently Asked Questions” Page
FAQ pages can be a major asset to all websites, but they are especially to ones revolving around a subject that many visitors will have less knowledge about. You can offer an organized list of answers to questions your firm gets asked often while mixing in technical terms, legal jargon, and terms your potential clients are most likely using as richer keywords to help increase the page’s chances of ranking higher in online search results.
3: Start Blogging
Quality content is key and is what captures the attention of potential clients, telling your unique story and bringing your website to life in a personal way. Writing compelling content is how you will connect with your site visitors and help them to take the next step by contacting you for your services. Blogging is the best and most effective way to showcase not only your talents, expertise, and successes, but you can also display recent trends and cases. Every blog post you publish will also help you build stronger online relationships as well as increase your firm’s exposure and website traffic. It’s as quick as a visitor stumbling onto one of your posts and then contacting you as his or her counsel!
4: Boost Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization is another way for your site to receive more traffic and stand out from its competition on the web. All major search engines have primary search results that show and rank websites and videos based on what the search engine’s algorithm considers to be relevant to the user. With law firm SEO, your website can be placed at the top or closer to the top of search engine results for higher traffic and higher-valued keywords. It is extremely valuable–especially for competitive companies such as law firms–because the majority of search engine users click on one or two of the first five results brought up to them. Optimizing your website for search engines will give you a distinct advantage over non-optimized competitors by increasing your chances of ranking higher in the results list.
5: Implement a Call-to-Action
A strong call-to-action will enhance your ability to tell visitors exactly what you would like them to do when they have landed on your webpage. Calls-to-action can be in the form of newsletter subscription pop-up boxes, mobile call buttons, contact forms, or other types of clickable buttons. If you are using clickable buttons or links, they should be big and bold in order to stand out right away. You could have the button say something as simple as “Book an Appointment” or “Talk to Us,” and make it eye-catching with size, shape, and color. Using friendly and approachable language in combination with greater visibility and quality will reinforce your firm’s focus on building relationships with clients.
These five tips are some of the most important aspects of marketing for attorneys and lawyers on the ever-growing Internet. For more information about law firm website design and online marketing for your law firm and legal blogging, be sure to check out more of JustLegal Marketing’s blogs to stay in the know about recent trends, news, and tips specifically tailored to assist attorneys and firms with their internet marketing!