Social Media Marketing for Lawyers
We specialize in social media marketing for lawyers. We leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and manage social media campaigns that build your reputation to potential clients.
Social Media for Lawyers

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers
1: Audit Your Social Media Accounts
Getting the Lay of the Land
What are the steps of a Social Media Audit?
There are three steps involved with a social media audit:
Audit Step 1 – The first step we take with our law firm social media management is to conduct a social media audit to assess your law firm’s current social media use and how it’s working. We discover who is connecting with you via social media, which social media sites your target market uses, and how your social media presence compares to your competitors’. During this first step, we identify your law firm’s audience, which social networks your audience spends time on, your potential client’s demographics and behaviors, and how to target the clients you want.
Audit Step 2 – The second step is to analyze your competition to get an understanding of what they are going, how you can use their tactics for your own purposes, and their strengths and weaknesses.
Audit Step 3 -The third step is to audit your actual account. In today’s sphere, one of those steps is to go through your follower list and remove fake accounts. They only hurt your engagement and can make it harder to get your posts seen by actual users. Then we will go through your social media presence and clean it up. Posts that didn’t land or are now inaccurate are removed or archived.
The result is an optimized account on a platform your users frequent and engage with, armed with knowledge and tactics to improve engagement in the future.
2. Define Your Social Media Marketing Plan
Targeting Your Law Firm’s Audience
After we’ve conducted an audit of your social media, our law firm social media experts learn about your goals in regards to branding, communicating with clients, generating good reviews for your law firm, and so on. We will align these goals with your broader marketing strategy to create a social media marketing plan that supports your overall goals.
3. Create or Improve Your Social Media Accounts
Building the Best Social Media Presence
After our social media audit, the next step to any law firm social media campaign is to optimize your social media presence using networks that best meet your firm’s goals. If you don’t already have social media profiles, we build them with your goals and audience in mind. Generally speaking, we fill out your social media profiles, and we use images and text that are optimized for the social network in question. We also cross-promote your social accounts to extend the reach of your content.
What are the Challenges with Social Media Marketing for Law Firms?
Social media is a primarily visual based platform, especially with Instagram or Pinterest. This can make social media marketing for attorneys rather difficult. You never want to simply post advertising to your followers. You need to offer them something of value instead. By creating text cards that have a small fact that is useful to your followers, you can become both a brand with authority and an account that receives high engagement.
This tactic can be used on all social media platforms, though it will need to be expanded on or contracted depending on which platform you are using. LinkedIn would benefit from a large post on the topic, whereas Pinterest would benefit from an infographic, and so on.
4. Generate Social Media Ideas & Topics
Planning Content that Shines
We research the kinds of content and information that will get you the most engagement. We look into what others in your practice areas are sharing and come up with ideas for social sharing that distinguish your law firm from your competitors. Social media for law firm websites, after all, has to be social. It needs to offer value to your followers so that they engage with your account. Higher engagement means greater reach and an increase in brand authority. The goal here is to become a firm to trust and go to when your followers need a lawyer in your field. We also research what content consumers are sharing and when and why they share as a basis for your social media marketing messages.
What Are Some Great Social Media Topics?
Behind the scenes photos, introducing your team, and offering helpful advice are great topics. Be the go-to on whichever platform your demographic uses for all the legal news and advice in your field. This way, when a follower either needs your help or knows someone who needs your help, they will turn to you first.
How Can You Further Improve Engagement?
You can further improve engagement by directly responding to questions and direct messages. This could be your first point of contact with a future client and having someone from your team available to answer questions can really help with client acquisition.
5. Content Plan & Editorial Calendar
Scheduling For Ongoing Engagement
After we’ve researched social media ideas and topics, we create an editorial calendar that lays out the types of content we intend to post and to promote on social media, how often we will post, the target audience for every kind of content, and the best channels to promote your content. We follow this editorial calendar to publish Facebook posts, Tweets, and other content we plan to use during your law firm SEO and social media campaigns.
What Do You Need to Be Wary Of?
You need to be wary of automated posting because while in normal situations, it’s great, you don’t want to be so far removed from your schedule that you cannot easily adjust to different situations. If a tragedy strikes, for example, you don’t want a post celebrating your fifth anniversary. It just isn’t in good taste when the rest of the nation is in shock of mourning and makes it apparent you are using a tool to schedule your posts.
6. Test, Evaluate & Adjust
Fine-Tuning to Perfection
Like any other marketing plan, your law firm’s social media plan will continuously evolve. That’s why we routinely monitor your social media marketing. As new networks emerge, we may add them to your plan. When we attain your goals, we’ll set new targets. We also provide you with an online portal so that you can measure the success of your firm’s social media marketing efforts. We want to prove that lawyers and social media can work together, and benefit both your clients and your firm.
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Our FREE book is written by the country’s leading expert on law firm marketing, Stephan Futeral. Based on over 25 years of experience helping law firms find success, Stephan explains everything from lawyer SEO, website design for lawyers, content marketing for lawyers, Google Ads for lawyers, social media marketing for lawyers, video marketing for lawyers, increasing online reviews, and much more.
In the book, you’ll learn how to avoid costly marketing mistakes and how to use the best practices for successfully generating high-value clients and maximizing revenue. “Digital Marketing for Lawyers” is the most comprehensive resource for online law firm marketing available today.