Growing your law firm’s online presence through internet marketing isn’t just another marketing technique–it’s an absolute priority for client conversion. In the age of technology, if you’re not managing your law firm’s website in a way that encourages growth and client engagement, you’re missing out.
It doesn’t matter if you know everything there is to know about practicing law–you still need to show potential and existing clients you care about using technology to help offer your services in the most effective and efficient way possible. With these few tips, you’ll be able to do just that–and win them over for good.
1. Content Marketing for Lawyers
Many businesses use blogs to offer their customers valuable content completely for free. Doing so signals to customers that the business owners know their stuff and are willing to share their knowledge. They gain trust by providing great content and later use this to leverage their paid products and services.
Bloggers do it, teachers and trainers do it, and online magazines do, too. So why shouldn’t lawyers be doing the same?
It’s a rising trend for professionals to rely increasingly on content creation like blogging, vlogging, and webinars as an online conversion tool. Highly skilled professionals like architects, doctors, and financial advisors have all begun to offer free content to visitors, and it’s time for lawyers to join in on the game.
2. Email Marketing for Lawyers
Even once you’ve started providing great content, you shouldn’t sit around and wait for clients to come to you.
A huge part of your online marketing strategy should be to collect as many emails from your visitors as possible. In internet currency, an email address from a potential client is considered pure gold. You’ll be able to use your subscriber list to make sure the great content you’ve been creating will be noticed and appreciated.
You might already be using email to engage clients, but it’s wise to take a few minutes to revisit your email strategy. If collecting email addresses is currently a half-hearted pursuit for you or your law firm, consider implementing more aggressive strategies.
Remember to keep your emails simple. Since the goal is to get clients interacting with you on your lawyer’s website, you only need to include enough information to pique their interest and get them clicking on over for a visit.
3. Social Media for Lawyers
When the whole world’s on the internet, they expect you to be, too.
Using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter isn’t really an option anymore–it’s a must. You’re not doing all you can to grow your brand unless you’re engaging with your customers on at least one of these major social media outlets.
Besides building your subscriber list, using social media is another great way to make sure all that content you’ve been creating gets the attention it deserves. Sprinkle it in between other posts to make sure you’ve got a good balance of helpful customer engagement and self-promotion.
4. Responsive Web Design for Lawyers
If Sally wants to check out your firm’s website on her phone, then by golly, you let her do it. And you even go out of your way to make it one stellar experience.
In a future ruled by smart phones and tablets, it’s crucial to make sure your firm’s site is just as enjoyable on a phone as it is on a computer screen. Make sure you or whoever is in charge of your web development knows that responsive law firm website design is a top priority in designing your website.
It’s easy for lawyers to forget about the importance online marketing because it’s not at the core of what they do. But heed this advice and you’ll enjoy a higher rate of engagement and conversion because of it. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get back to doing what you do best–taking care of your customers with your knowledge of the law.