The attention span of the average website visitor is rapidly decreasing. Some say that website visitors only have the attention span of a goldfish: seven seconds. While this may be somewhat of an exaggeration for your law firm clients, it’s true that you only have a small window of time to make an impression on your visitors. This makes it imperative that your website keeps your visitors entertained. Here are a few guidelines of good web design that will positively affect your web visitors.
Use Quality, Relevant Imagery
Images are considered the most powerful method for both converting your website visitors and keeping them interested in your content. According to research, people tend to remember only 10 percent of information found in the text, but they remember 65 percent of the information found in pictures. As you select images for your website, pay special attention to the quality. This involves more than the pixel size. It’s about finding images that support your law firm’s purpose. In some cases, you might need a photographer in your office to take your pictures to achieve this goal. Above all, your images should be relevant to potential customers, or you’ll have a hard time getting your target audience to stick around.
Harness the Power of Video
Video may be your most powerful tool for entertaining visitors in all the best ways. It’s so important to your potential clients that 54 percent of consumers reported in a HubSpot survey that they wanted their favorite brands to use more video content. Curating your video content so that it’s relevant to your intended audience is critical. HubSpot research also shows that 70 percent of the videos watched on YouTube help people solve a problem, whether it’s for work, education, life hacks, or a hobby. If you can create relevant legal content in response to your client’s biggest problems, you’ll easily capture their attention.
Write a Blog
Businesses need blogs to stay competitive and assist their customers. You can be an expert in the law industry through a well-written blog. Whenever a customer needs a good story, knowledge about how to use a product, useful tips and tricks about their lawsuit, and other information, you can provide them with a first-hand account.
Provide Links and Buttons
Many people get bored on a website because it lacks enough content. Giving visitors something to do with their hands while keeping their brains engaged is vital. Fill your homepage content with links and buttons that will take them deeper into your website. These links can lead them to more information about a specific service, your blog, your About page, your Contact page, a landing page for your office, or even an externally published news outlet featuring your law firm. Links and buttons can also be used on each of your webpages, so there’s a never-ending supply of content for your clients. Let your links provide clients with a deeper connection to your organization to keep them engaged.
Link to Social Media
Many clients like to share on social media when they encounter a webpage containing content they enjoy. This is particularly true for blog posts or product pages. You can make it easy to engage with and share your content by providing social media icon links on each page. This is in your best interest for both engaging clients and furthering your marketing reach. Social media is one of the most effective methods of marketing. Research shows that 52 percent of consumers used Facebook posts to influence their purchasing decisions for both products and services. Use this to get as much social media exposure as possible for your law firm.
Make the Design Responsive
You’ll lose visitors in a hurry if you don’t make your website responsive. When consuming media, users spend an average of 69 percent of their time on smartphones. It’s the dominant platform for search, and mobile visitors will abandon a page if it’s not mobile responsive.
Always Test Your Website
Applying each of these rules is important for capturing visitor attention, but testing is the only way to truly know that your website is successful. Work with your developer or an online testing service to perform A/B testing and determine what works and what needs improvement. You can also run your own tests by asking everyone you know to look at and provide feedback for your website. You can learn a great deal about the success of your site through your honest peers. When you need a website that stands out, contact JustLegal. We’re a digital marketing firm with the best advice in the industry for creating and marketing your law firm website. To see your website traffic improve drastically, contact us today.